Monday, February 17, 2014

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Do you believe in miracles?

Do you believe in miracles. That one question can spark a controversial and sometimes heated conversation.
Some people will swear on the existence of their mothers grave that miracles are incidental occurrences. Miracles don't exist
Some will claim that miracles are figments of the imagination, or hogwash.
Others will contend that miracles occur every, day all around us.
Is there a higher power that steps in from time to time for the good of mankind?
Or are we all separate little individuals stranded on this earth?
Are we left alone with the task of figuring out life, only to die?
 Doesn't matter what Mr. so and so thinks. The only thing that matters is what you believe.

Greater Power?

Do you allow your imagination to wander with the possibility that there is a higher power? Someone , something far greater than we could ever begin to imagine.
 So back to trivial matter of miracles.
 So, what is a miracle?
 Wikipedia describes miracle as an event not ascribable to human power or the laws of nature and consequently attributed to a supernatural especially divine agency.
Not ascribable to human power. whoa, what does that mean? 
Some will proclaim that childbirth is not a miracle especially now that we have the ability to clone and produce life.
But are we producing life? Or are we producing life from an already existing form.
Consider the fact that 2 human eggs are connected in the womb and 9 months later, give or take a few days, a new life is brought into this world. fully formed, with a mind of its own embarking on a new journey.
Just chance? Evolution? Hmm

Technology, Man made?

Let's consider another situation. One that we have become so accustomed to and take for granted every day.
Technology. the great discovery of mankind. Or is it?
Have you ever stopped for a minute and thought about technology as we know it.
pieces of information flying through thin air into our smart phones or lap tops. Every day occurrence. 
No big deal, right? Or is it?  What or Who makes all of this possible?

Almighty Man

Man puts himself in the position of the almighty. 
Truth is, way back when, at the beginning of time, there was a thought that brought everything into existence.
If your looking for miracles, take a second and look up to the heavens. you will see a universe so complex and amazing. 
Did this all happen by chance? What enables all the millions of stars and planets to float around up there in space and be in the exact place and order they need to be?
How did the sun just happen to be in the perfect position. Scientists say that if the sun were just a degree off we would either be burnt to toast or freeze dried in a second. Imagine that.
We have apps for everything imaginable. How bout and app to control the universe and keep every planet exactly where it is supposed to be.  Another Hmm
Is there a God? 
Who designed the human body? 
Who placed each and every planet or star in just the perfect place? 
What makes technology possible? 
Think about this
Here's one to think about. The human brain is far greater than any piece of equipment on this earth.
Where did it come from? 
Did it just happen into existence? 
Or was it formed by a being or entity far greater than we could ever imagine.
So, do miracles exist? Think about it. And while you're thinking, consider how awesome and complex the brain is, that you are thinking with.
Above All
We humans, at times think we are above all. We toil for years to create all the marvelous inventions that make life great and easier. We continuously pat ourselves on the back for the advances we have made. 

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Try that one some time. And let me know how you make out.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Luke 18:16-17

Monday, January 20, 2014

Hey! Don't Worry...Sh#t Happens

Don't Worry
Do you worry a lot? Well,stick around for a couple minutes. I'd like to share a short story with you.

One that hopefully will reassure you that even if life doesn't go the way you expected, and you feel like sh#t, everything will be alright.

If you don't worry, please leave a comment as to how you broke free from worry or better yet, how you stay clear of it.

So when I started this post, the main subject was worry. As I wrote and the theme developed more, it began to focus on expectations and disappointment also. Yeah, you're right, I can be a real scatter brain sometimes.

Hey, if you're human, chances are you have dealt with one or even both of these every once in awhile.

Have you ever had the feeling that you worry just a tad too much?  Alright, maybe you're one of the lucky ones that never has. Good for you.

How about this one: You have this awesome inspired moment when everything just falls into place, you celebrate by jumping up in the air shouting Yeah!

But nothing even comes close to turning out how you expected it would.

You're not alone.

Disappointment sucks, Not only that, if we're not careful, it can also lead to worry, which really sucks.

If our minds get crammed full of worry, there is no room for the good things in life. The grand-kids and  the kids asking us "why" every time we do something, the lovely spouse we share our life with. Priceless moments will be missed.

 We miss them only because we are too busy dreaming up future catastrophes which will probably never happen.

I can recall a  time in my life when I struggled with worry every day.

No, I didn't wake up one day and all of a sudden find myself overcome with worry, it was a little more subtle than that.
Worry has a way of sneaking up on you. It starts out by being concerned about something and before you know it: BAM. The mind goes into fast forward creating catastrophic events that very seldom happen.
Then the anxiety and grief creeps in. Not far behind is the stomach cramps and ulcers.

At first, it doesn't appear to be a problem. It feels natural.
Eventually over time, I believed worry was exactly what I needed to be doing. My way of dealing with things instead of really dealing with them.

Flood of Thoughts

So several months ago I was sitting out on my front porch enjoying a warm end of summer night. Just chilling out with the stars and the deer eating out of a bird feeder in my neighbors front yard.

All of a sudden, paragraphs and sentences start flowing into my head about worry and anxiety. Like somebody opened up the floodgates of thought.There were some really cool thoughts and ideas.

So I'm sitting there totally amazed as all this stuff comes rushing into my head.

 Finally it hit me. Dave...why are you not writing this fool.

Normally, I would have a pen and paper close by. For some reason, this night I didn,t. So I jumped up out of my chair, grabbed a pen and paper and just started writing like a madman until it stopped.

If you're a blogger, you can definitely relate to this. I'm sure you had those moments where everything comes rushing in and you are in total awe. It's like somebody wrote an article and just stuck it in your head.
It is an exciting experience .

So, the next day I sat down at my computer and began to pull it all together. After three hours, I had managed to put together what appeared to be a full page of mumbo matter what I did, it just wasn't coming together the way I thought it would.

I was so upset, I jumped out of my chair and walked away from it. I came back to it after a few hours or so, sat down and reluctantly opened it back up again. After a few moments of staring at the screen, I began to type.Everything began to come together.

Now when something like this happens, you think wow. this is gonna be awesome. it all just came together, it was meant to be ...this is bound to go viral. Tons of shares, tons of comments.

Heck,I'll even put a Amazon link on there and make a ton of money at the same time.


Well... it didn't quite turn out that way. I got some views ..but not what I expected considering this was a totally inspired endeavor. Plus my Amazon account was still registering 0 dollars.

So yea,I was a little disappointed. But I still had more to write. So I hyped myself up and got busy writing the 2nd installment and...surprise...surprise...the end results were just about the same with the 2nd as with the 1st.

 Now, I was a little more than disappointed. I was frustrated. How could all this stuff come to me so effortlessly like it was meant to be and then just...Bomb out

So, what's the point? Why did I even bother?

Light Bulb  Moment

But then I had this moment of Revelation. Kind of like a little slap on the side of the head.

Even though things didn't go quite the way I thought they would, that doesn't mean it wasn't a success. Who knows, maybe 1 person's life was changed  and I will never know about it.

So, I have arrived at a happy place, where if only one person was affected by what I was worth the time and the effort.

What do you think?
Have you ever had something like this happen to you?
How did you feel?

This book played a big part in removing worry from my life
Click on image to order from Amazon direct