Clear Your Mind
Make believe is a wonderful thing. It sparks creativity, which builds huge skyscrapers in the sky, and technology that will knock your socks off.
In our mind, we can transport ourselves to the top of a snow-cap mountain, or better yet, sunbathing on the beach of our very own deserted island… way over on the other side of the world.
You are the Director
But what happens when the make believe turns dark and cloudy and we allow our minds to be filled with destructive doomsday scenarios…AKA toxic worry
Have you ever finished writing out the bills for the month, you no sooner get finished and immediately begin to wonder if you will be able to pay them the following month?
Before you know it you have a dark cloudy make believe sneak preview running in your head and guess what…You are the director. You determine how far the movie goes.
Whirlwind of Make Believe Disasters
If you will, just imagine this scenario for a quick moment
If you will, just imagine this scenario for a quick moment
What if I don’t have enough money to pay the bills next month? I won’t be able to pay my gas or electric bill, they will come to my house, shut it down, and then I’ll freeze to death on a cold wintry night.
Or maybe I'll have to watch as my car is towed away because I am too broke to pay the car loan.
Worse yet, my home, what if I don’t have enough money to pay the mortgage. I could loose my home and all my belongs along with it. Then what…I’ll be homeless, living on the street with nothing to eat and nowhere to go
Stop the Noise
Eeeeech…(screeching brakes) put on the brakes, pull the damn plug, and fire the director of this trashy make believe movie. We can enter numerous other categories into this scenario, children, career...the list goes on.
I have been down this dark and scary path many times in the past. It is a lonely, dark, empty place.
Chaos…that’s what toxic worry creates
We are the directors of our minds. We can create happy go lucky moments or we can create dark cloudy chaos
Worry becomes toxic when we allow our minds to run out of control, slapping a gut wrenching hold on reality.
Worry in itself is not bad. It becomes dark and dangerous when we allow it to consume and destroy our well-being
Good healthy worry or concern will lead us to take necessary action to approach a situation head-on or avoid altogether.
Toxic worry can paralyze and sink us down into a very dark, cold and lonely place isolated in our own despair.
Well, what do we do…If you believe in Jesus… say a prayer man.
Stay in the present moment…if worry and anxiety try to reel you in…kill it.
Left unchecked, worry can drag a person down, deep into the dark shadows of despair.
If you happen to be in a situation where you may loose everything, relax, don’t worry.
Do everything possible to put a halt to the situation or to avoid it altogether…if that doesn't work, let it go, and move on.
Whenever I feel a tinge of worry coming on, a popular song verse comes to mind
“don’t worry…be happy…cause every
little thing gonna be all right “
little thing gonna be all right “
It works every time.
Everything will be all right ..Believe me; I have been there and back
Everything will be all right ..Believe me; I have been there and back
Dale Carnegie teaches you how to stop worrying and start living Click on the image to order from Amazon direct |
About the Author: David is a writer for .A blog devoted to the homeowner. Information articles and step by step how to articles for some common household problems